Friday, June 21, 2013

Lil Swimmer

Well first off, this morning I was so excited to be able to take a shower (and shave my legs!) while Parker played quietly on the bathroom floor. Just a few months ago I was afraid to take a shower while he slept - it's such a horrible feeling to turn off the water and hear him screaming from his crib. Someone is growing up way too fast!

I had already planned on attending the tot swim at the Grayslake pool this morning. It was forecasted to be quite humid today. Parker has Daddy's warm blooded body and gets so hot so quickly that I hesitate to keep him outside when it is so warm. But he loves to be outside and I figured a swim would be good for him. However, this morning I woke up with a teething, cranky baby - not sleeping, not eating, spitting up, whining - and a crazy storm rolling in. I am so happy I decided to try it anyway. Parker had a blast in the pool, floating, swimming and watching the other kids. He is such a social butterfly - we will definitely be going back often this summer. Guess its time to sign up for swim lessons!

Not so sure about this...

... warming up to the water ...

... splashing away!

Took a break to chew on the camera. 

Take 1...

Take 2...

Take 3!

Loving it!

This is how he spent much of the time in the water - floating on his belly, chewing on my shoulder.

I think someone enjoyed himself!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Schools out...

Now that I am on a part time schedule, not only is the house getting clean but I can catch up on all these pictures as well! And we finally bought a baby monitor. It was hard to justify spending another $200+ on a monitor when Parker's bedroom is just feet away from our living spaces. But right now I am updating his pictures while enjoying the beautiful weather on our back porch.

Enjoying his bike ride-thanks Grandpa Redman for the trailer! Actually he typically falls asleep on our rides. So glad I do such things to keep him entertained!

Walking through the forest preserve.

Playing in the jumpy. He loves to be upright and watching everyone, so this is one of his favorite places to be. We still have to put a pillow underneath so he can reach the ground and actually "jump".

My first Mother's Day gift from Parker - beautiful flowers and a half day at the spa! It was quite relaxing and enjoyable. 

"I'm planning on taking over the world! Mwah-haha!"

This sitting is such hard work!

Enjoying the sun!

Sitting in the shopping cart.

Enjoying a fresh banana.

At five months old (weighing 17 pounds!) Parker is able to sit up by himself for at least half a minute. Then he reaches for something and loses his balance!