Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Follow up visit

So there was some question about my due date and how far along I am. By taking the date of my last period, that puts me about a week further along than I thought I was. Last Tuesday at the doctor my hcg was at 469. That would put me at about 5 weeks, not 6 weeks. This Tuesday the reading was 4623, which is five and a half to six weeks along. I think my due date is January 23, 2012, although the doctor originally said the 17th. I still have an appointment next week for an ultrasound next week. She did not push that back a week, even though I will only be 7 weeks instead of 8. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a waste of our time!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is that a line?!?

We took two pregnancy tests last week. The first was a very faint line, but I kept reminding myself that one cannot be "a little bit" pregnant - either it's there or it's not!
May 14, 2012
The second test had a much more definitive line, but neither one of us was quite ready to believe it. Of course we were thinking, let's wait til the doctor confirms it. I don't think the doctor confirmation was really necessary as I had already been feeling some "morning" sickness, even the week before. Thanks to Christine for the jolly ranchers - the green apple flavor seems to be very helpful!
May 17, 2012
Why is it that we wait for the doctor to confirm, and even then it still seems so unbelievable. I do feel we are blessed to have this happen so quickly, when others wait years and still need the help of modern medicine. The doctor visit went well, but I need blood drawn and my levels checked again next week. It's weird how they calculate the due date based upon the last menstrual period, and assume all cycles are 28 days. Since mine have been 33 days, I knew I was more like 5 weeks than the 6 weeks the doctor calculated.

Then comes the question of telling people - it feels strange to be holding this secret, but the pressure is on to wait until after the first trimester. Apparently my husband can't keep a secret because he has told more people than I have! So many of his friends knew that we were trying and they asked - or saw that I continue to drink water when we are out at night. So that must have been rather obvious! My closer coworkers knew when I left early to go to the doctor. I am a little nervous about the end of the year party when the drinks are flowing. Plus I am rather emotional and am afraid I will be a sobbing mess as I am being forced to find employment elsewhere!

Here is a funny....had an end of the year transition meeting with a parent. I sat in the meeting and had a panic attack as I realized this mother is a maternity nurse ... a family that I needed to report to DCFS. I couldn't stop thinking about what she might do if she happened to be assigned to me during labor! Thankfully she currently works at Condell. Keep your fingers crossed she doesn't find a new job!

I am continuing to work out and am quite self conscious of the bloated belly I now have. Exercising is already different. Apparently my blood volume is increasing, along with my resting heart rate. Instead of the blood rushing to my muscles while exercising, it is going straight to my uterus. What used to be an easy bike ride has become quite the workout. I can tell that gaining weight is going to be difficult to manage. 
Four weeks, one day

It still seems to be quite unreal - either I am in denial, scared to what changes are to come, or just in awe of the miracle that is developing within in my body. Here's to a healthy and happy 35 weeks to go!