Me: couple more minutes & we're going to bed. We're not going to cry & whine but go nicely ....
P: I know mom! Calm down! Just take a big breath!
While looking at the banisters on the front stoop, noticed one was bigger than the rest.
P: see mom, this one is stronger because it has more mass
Thank you Blaze! (One of his favorite cartoons) #futureengineer
He is slowly adapting to moving his bed upstairs & making room for the baby. I've learned over the years that Parker is a very routine oriented kid & likes things to remain the same. It's been nice having time & flexibility so he can eventually move upstairs on his terms & be ok with it. He prefers to nap upstairs right now. He has requested to sleep overnight there too, but I don't yet have a baby monitor to keep an eye on him.
I told Parker that the baby can hear him now. He proceeded to follow me around & whisper to my belly!
Speaking of routine oriented, we had a very rough transition into big kid swim classes. He said he was afraid of the instructor & still wanted to swim with mommy. The second week was a private lesson with his teacher that lasted nearly twice as long. By the third week, he was swimming with the other kids without any problem!
For the longest time he was saying "Gab-cat" instead of bobcat. I was quite sad when he started saying bobcat! We had some road construction in the neighborhood and what could be more exciting than exploring the vehicles!
One of his favorite activities is the monthly "hammer class" at Home Depot. This last month he brought his own (play) tools. Pulling out his tape measure, he accurately measured the pieces "this one is 6 units". I bought him a small hammer so he can use his own tools next month. "

Happy Birthday to Daddy!! Parker decided to make him a "golden hammer" for his birthday present!

Happy Birthday to Daddy!! Parker decided to make him a "golden hammer" for his birthday present!

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