We started our first after school class-"Little Masterpieces". This art class was set up for 1-2 year olds and had four tables of activities. We painted, colored, glued, handprints, rolled cars thru paint, used play doh-it was quite a busy time! Half an hour was the perfect length of time & I was happy not to clean up the mess when we were finished!
One of his masterpieces-a college of green textures-was carefully placed in the cabinet when we got home. Parker purposefully moved his cooking instruments out of the way so it had a special place on its own!
After our first art class, I was giving Parker a bath upstairs. As he hadn't seen dad all night, he was looking out the door down the stairs, shouting "da!". Finally Jeremy came up to say hello. Parker proceeded to motion for me to stand up (and move) so dad could sit down in front of the bath tub. Way to tell us what you wanted!!
Parker never really got into many tv programs in his first year. Nothing really captured his attention for more than a few minutes. However, he has enjoyed the Chica show for a few months now. He recently has gotten excited watching Mickey. When Mickey was over, Parker was indicating to me that he needed help with something & motioned toward the tv. Thankfully there was another Mickey show on immediately after the first, and Parker began waving his hands & dancing.
This boy is way too smart at such a young age! He is really starting to complete puzzles & is purposefully looking at the piece in his hand & finding the matching space.
Cooking is still one of his favorite activities. He now knows what the timer on the oven means. He gets so excited to eat that we have to turn it off before it beeps if dinner isn't ready yet. Otherwise timer beeps & Parker is ready to sit down & eat! The other day the timer went off & Parker left the kitchen-very unusual because he loves to watch us cooking....he comes right back into the kitchen with his oven mitt on his hand! He goes into the cabinet and pulls out the box of foil. I help him pull out a piece, which he carefully lays across his cookie sheet. Then he puts the cookie sheet carefully in the cabinet (pretend oven) closes the door. To take it out, he puts on his oven mitt & blows on the tray (to cool it off!).
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