Saturday, February 8, 2014

Parker 1.0

Wow - what progress in Parker's ability to communicate! It's amazing the little things he has said/done since turning one! Parker waves his hand while saying "buh buh" ... although we aren't always  going "bye bye"! He has used the word "hat" appropriately twice. Once we were walking to the kitchen for a snack & he repeated after me (ba)"nana".
His new favorite is "ot"... He pulled my (empty) coffee cup out of my bag, and with a big smile on his face - so proud of himself - handed it to me, saying "(h)ot". The other night at dinner, I asked him if he wanted some noodles. He proceeded to say "ot" and blew (as though to cool them off)! Later, as he was playing with the spoon, he dipped it in the bowl of noodles, blew on it, then put it directly in his mouth....too bad there weren't any noodles on the spoon, but great progress!!

Parker loves to put things in containers. He will move his toys from one container to the next, or his pots and pans from the shopping cart to the cabinet. We are using this to our advantage as he is a great helping in cleaning up! He loves to shred paper, and has recently begun going back and picking up all the pieces he dropped around the floor. He will then place it in some sort of container, although it's not always the garbage! Still makes clean up a cinch! He will help "stir" things, including his play spoon inside my coffee. Parker recently leaned that the toilet is also a container, and has thrown things in as Jeremy was using it! He threw in a piece of paper and a clean pair of socks! (Jeremy had to fish both of them out of the toilet!)

We spent some of his birthday money on a play phone, music set, and his favorite-a little boy sized chair. He loves his chair! He sits down to read, eat his snack, watch tv. He even sat down while we were playing with his little people, then motioned for me to keep playing for him!

He can push himself on his ride on car (although it's only backwards for now!). He is also interested in stacking his stackable toys-and has enough fine motor control that the pieces actually stack. 
And I never thought I would hear myself say "Get that toothbrush out of your butt!"

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