Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Starting off the New Year...

New Years Eve I had a second doctor visit for the week due to my high blood pressure. Because it was so high and has remained so high since mid December, the doctor sent me to Lake Forest Hospital for further testing and possible medication. Both the baby and I were monitored for about three hours - his heart rate, movements, my blood pressure, urine, blood and any swelling. High blood pressure means my blood isn't circulating properly, and can indicate the baby isn't receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. But my reflexes are great and this little guy is as healthy as can be. All tests came back perfectly normal. My regular doctor saw me while I was at the hospital. Knowing my health history, the results of the tests and as far along in the pregnancy we are, she said no to medication but  ... put me on bed rest as it lowers my blood pressure. So two full days of bed rest and I'm already running out of things to do!! :-(

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