I created this paper chain with pictures of how big the baby was growing each week. Parker loved to take down a chain and he would collect it in his "baby book". It was a great visual to help him figure out when the baby would be here.
First day of "school"! We signed up for camp with Parker's BFF Peyton to help ease the transition to preschool in the fall. First day was a total success!! He was singing on the way there. Pulled my hand to drag me into the classroom as the teacher was trying to speak to me and took off for the toys! The second picture is when I told him it was time for me to go. I thought he was scared and started to talk to him about it ... and he replied, "Just go, mom." Apparently it was a look of surprise that I was still there! AND one of his teachers taught him in swim class last year and she totally remembers him & how he sticks his tongue out when he concentrates! 😛#bigboy #allgrownup
Enjoyed one last holiday day with my boys! Someone is enjoying sitting by himself while the boat is in motion. I may actually tan that big white belly this year, since I don't have a little one sitting on my lap!
Need to find us this summer? This is where we will be - at the beach! (And please excuse the blue mouth - ice cream truck just made an appearance too!)
#summertime #beachboy #28weeks #rumpunchwouldmakethisperfect
#summertime #beachboy #28weeks #rumpunchwouldmakethisperfect
This is how we watched our first fireworks show of the summer! Guess I'll bring his sunglasses to add to the ear muffs! And Parker learned to ask "Are we there yet?" every 30 seconds! #arewehavingfunyet
Parker: Mom! Can you ... Mom! I want ... Mom! Watch this! ... Mom! (All day long)
Me: I think I'm changing my name.
(Short pause)
Parker: Ok, Caryn! Come here!
#toosmartforhisowngood #littlestinker
Me: I think I'm changing my name.
(Short pause)
Parker: Ok, Caryn! Come here!
#toosmartforhisowngood #littlestinker
We added Alex & Lava to our family after a carnival in August. Friends of ours won the goldfish. When she asked if we wanted to take it home ... Parker's face just lit up with a huge smile & eyes open so wide! In all honesty, I did tell Parker he could have a fish tank in his big boy room. I just wasn't ready to purchase the tank & put it all together that night! But his fish are cute together & he loves to feed & take care of them.
This big boy can finally reach the light switches. He has also used a stool to fill up his water & even made toast once! So proud of himself to do it all on his own.

Parker's official first day of school was at the end of August. He started preschool in Mrs. Mark's class. We had to drive him the first week of school as part of his orientation. He was quite and shy, definitely nervous - but LOVED every moment of school!
Me: What did you do at school today?
Parker: I made a school bus!
Me: Did you make anything else?
Parker: I made new friends!
Parker: I made a school bus!
Me: Did you make anything else?
Parker: I made new friends!
An annual visit to the Milwaukee Zoo - this tired boy slept through the entire dinner!!