Saturday, November 14, 2015

Jeepers Creepers

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my husband ...
Parker: (interrupting) No one wants to listen to you, mom.
Me: ?!?
In his defense, we may or may not have told him the exact same thing when he was whining/crying and carrying on for quite some time. Apparently, that is also what my voice sounds like!

Halloween was quite a magical time in the eyes of this toddler! He LOVED answering the door for trick or treaters and passing out candy. He stood on the front step singing a little made up song "Trick or treaters come today! Trick or treaters come today"

Daddy spent a really long time working on his costume and it was AMAZING! The boxes were constructed to fit over his wagon. We even had a friend put a clear coat of paint to seal it from the rain. A month later and Parker's digger is still intact (under a tarp) in the front yard!

Pumpkin carving was "yuck" and "gross stuff". It was really mommy & daddy carving the pumpkin, which was still fun!

A few other Parker stories from this month: 

Parker just asked to be rewarded with a "treat" & chocolate milk from Starbucks. What is it about this store that even toddlers crave it?!?

We've always had a rule in our houses, even growing up, that you eat the meal that was served - no separate meals will be made. Parker comes running to the dinner table, takes a look at his plate & says "aw, me wanted green beans". And then I broke those rules & made him a bowl of green beans! (He ate the corn on his plate, too!)

Apparently the lunar eclipse = one scared toddler. Who would have thought?!? He cried for about an hour trying to go to sleep, then spent the night in my bed, tossing & turning and crying on and off All.Night.Long.

By early November, we've also taken on potty training full time. We tried almost 2 months ago, and was met with some resistance. This time he is ready and happy to try. Yeah for no more diapers!