Sunday, July 26, 2015


We have quite a shortened summer this year as school went til mid June and starts back up mid August - and boy has it been busy!!

We have taken 3 weekend road trips, starting with traveling to MN for Kasey's high school graduation. I was very nervous about the long car ride with a 2 year old, but that TV in the car was well worth the expense! Still, we stopped about every 2 hours and the 5 hour trip took about 7 hours. And Parker had so much pent up energy that he was awake until almost midnight when we arrived a the hotel! We played at the Mall of America, visited with "sissy" and then traveled the 7 hour drive back home.

We spent another weekend at the Wilderness and, as always, had a great time. It was nice to have warm weather and enjoy the outdoor water parks as well. We also went on the Dells Army Ducks and I was surprised how much Parker enjoyed it! For a few weeks after the trip, if we passed an army vehicle, he would re-tell the story about how the car goes in the water and kids sit on the seats!

We also left on an adults only rafting trip on the Wolf River. Parker stayed with Nana and Papa for his first sleepover and he did amazing! Slept well and never cried. I put together a calendar for him and got some library books on sleepovers. The calendar worked so well for him that I bought a calendar for him to use for our daily activities.

Speaking of daily activities, this boy sure is busy! Mondays we try to go to the story time at the library. A few times a week we try to visit dad at work, and I think one of Parker's favorite activities is to go to Starbucks for iced coffees and chocolate milk! Daddy's work is one of the best playgrounds around! We also spend many of our Wednesdays at the Chicago Botanic Gardens (free admission to the exhibits).

We did music class again this year, and Parker enjoys playing the instruments the most. He doesn't sing much in class, but he sings frequently at home! He also seems to enjoy some of the dancing and marching, but doesn't do too many of the actions with the songs. We also started sports this summer, as he is finally old enough. Jelly Bean sports begin at age 2 or 2 1/2 so we have tried t-ball and a sports shorts class, practicing soccer, baseball and basketball. He says that they are all his favorites!

Fourth of July traditions have remained the same over the past few years. It's funny how traditions change! We used to host quite the party on our boat and with the neighbors watching the fireworks. Now we go to the Antioch parade with the cousins and then the Navy Base for the spectacular fireworks. It's nice that the kids are big enough to enjoy some rides, and that those rides have no lines at all! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mr. Chatterbox

Planting at the Chicago Botanic Gardens

I was trying to put Parker to sleep and he was pretending to snore and just goofing around, so I gently sushed him ... he answered "No shush me ... Me snoring!" as though his snoring was real sleep!

Chatting with the neighbor 
Big boy bed!!
Parker was trying to negotiate me to do something for him and Jeremy stepped in to try and discipline him. Parker looked right at him and said "Shush you trouble maker!" So hard to keep a straight face when your toddler calls you a trouble maker!! 

Visiting mommy at school

At one time, Parker put Pez candies in his ears to "keep them safe"

For about a week, changing his diaper he would ask "check mine butt" so I would check & answer with "no poops-all clean!". At swim lessons, in our private changing room, Parker asked to "check yours butt mama?" Then walked around to look at my butt & announced "no poops!". 

In the tub, he was washing up with the wash cloth so I was giving him directions and I told him to wash his ears, his armpits, his boobies. He replied "me no boobies. You have boobies. Me have wiener."

He's doing a great job retelling a story. This has come in handy having to switch daycare providers. I can drill him at the end of his day & he accurately tells me what he did & what he had for lunch. He also can't keep a secret. One day daddy asked what errands he ran with mommy. He replied "get daddy's present" and when daddy asked what he got, parker replied, "um, little card" (gift card). 
Woke up crying at 4am ... Went in to comfort him & he tells me "daddy no take my donut" & repeated this a few times before going back to sleep. Ha! A 2 year old nightmare!! When he woke up in the morning I asked him if he remembered why he was crying & he said yes - muffin. (Muffin-donut - he uses those words interchangeable, probably because we never have either in the house!!) Pretty good memory!!

He has learned to say "shut up" without ever actually hearing those words. He was frequently told us to "stop making your noises" and "no you make your words".
Me: What flavor is that sucker? Parker: Strawberry, 'nana, pinecone and corn