"Where it is?" - This is one of my favorite Parker-isms! He is really expanding his language & putting 2-3-sometimes 4 words together and is talking (and understandable) all day long. I feel like I've been able to have a conversation with him! He is also playing very independently as he plays with cars or little people for 15-20 minutes, all on his own. I've even been able to take a shower while he was awake, playing on his own! What a relief that has been - I can see more and more independence in my future!

Another holiday train activity was watching the Canadian Pacific Holiday train come in to the Gurnee station. It was all lit up and they stopped, a stage opened up and played holiday music for a good half an hour. It was cold but fun to snuggle with this little guy. He was really getting into the spirit and enjoyed singing with the crowd - specifically Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. I could hear his little voice saying "deer" and "santa" and (believe)"eee".
We then took the train down to Chicago for the holiday festivities. Parker was a little unsure of the train at first, but quickly settled in and enjoyed himself. We were happy to see how easy going he was during the entire day (including just a 40 minute nap) despite the crowds and activities - I think he will do well when we travel by plane to Texas.

We visited with Santa in Chicago but Parker was pretty worn out from the busy day. So I took him to see Santa again at Bass Pro. He didn't say a word to him but agreed to a hug & sat on his lap. We had coached him on how to ask Santa for trucks & cars but he wasn't able to say anything. Now when I ask what does Santa bring, we get a few different answers, ranging from candy canes (because Santa gave them out when we visited), chairs (because once I said we need new chairs & maybe Santa will bring them!), to cars, trucks & trains.
Christmas had a whole new meaning to it, now that I am playing Santa & hoping to create a magical day for my child. We slept until 8:30am (who is this kid?!?) but he must have been exhausted from entertaining everyone at Nana's the night before. Parker was definitely excited to see presents, including a big Tonka truck under the tree. He opened maybe 2-3, and then ran off to play. He wanted every single gift to be opened and out of the box so he could play with them all. Needless to say, we were still opening presents at dinner time! But it was nice to stay home & enjoy the gifts & take all the time he needed. Parker did pretty well ripping wrapping paper on his own. As he ripped paper, he would ask "choo-choo? Trucks?" (Good thing he received both!!). He finally napped at 4pm. I tried to wake him up around 6, but he was cranky & literally kicked me out of his room so he could go back to sleep!