Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fall family fun

Enjoying a night out at a friend's wedding.
It's September and that means back to school. Parker had some difficulty transitioning to back to the sitter. There were a few more cranky moments, but the biggest issue was refusing the bath. I think the problem was that he didn't want to be isolated upstairs away from dad & his toys. He just didn't want to stop playing & had missed his house all day. But a few new bath toys & a change in bath time helped break the cycle and we haven't had a problem since.

He still loves being at Ms. Ginny's and has to give hugs goodbye to all his friends. One time he stood in the doorway & shouted "ma ya" and Amalia came running in to give him a hug goodbye. He even gently grabs around Peyton's (8 mo) neck and gives her a hug. Good to see him so gentle around the babies! Although he has also started biting and we have three documented cases of biting....hopefully that goes away as fast as it started!

Parker loves trucks & tractors so we went to the tractor charity event at Stades the first weekend of September. 

The second weekend of September we went with Jason, Stephanie, Ethan & his cousin Kendra to the Wilderness in the Wisconsin Dells. It was amazing to see the increased interest and ability, when we were just there about 5 months ago. We had so much fun that we've already booked another stay in November!

Parker continues to love to be outside. He walked by himself halfway down the street to go play in the sand at the beach-what a big boy! Last summer I carried him in the Ergo to listen to the waves to out him to sleep...where did my baby go?