Jeremy's cousin Kelly's wedding |
April was such a busy month for us!! Parker reached many milestones in his 15th month...
22lbs 14oz (50th percentile) 30in (10th percentile)
Started holding on to the railing & walking up the stairs. Never really learned how to crawl down the steps but is quite the expert and walking down them!
Loves to be outside & throws tantrums to come in. Even thinks he can sneak in some play time in the mornings as we walk out to the car.
Has to take off his socks when he takes his shoes off-and carefully places them inside his shoes.
Has successfully (and efficiently) mastered the spoon.
Has at least 12 solid words-mom, da, tat (cat), og (dog), dat (that) and the occasional wat dat (want that), here, what (which he shouts very loudly across the room), hot (and blows to cool it down), yes, no-no, not to be confused with nu nu nu nu (maybe num num but clearly indicates food) and (ba) nana. I may have also heard a ni-ni (night night) and lots of other words he mimics and repeats them after me.
Parker participated in two Easter egg hunts and thoroughly enjoyed them. He continued to play Easter when we got home. He would carry around his basket and only eat his goldfish after they were placed inside a plastic egg!
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Parker did such a great job with the Easter bunny photo! Mia - not so much! |
We took our first mini vacation by spending the weekend at the Wilderness in the Wisconsin Dells. Parker had a great time with his friend Ethan and participated in all the weekend's festivities.
Hanging out with Ethan on his bunk bed. |
One of his favorite "toys" the entire weekend! |
Such a big boy climbing through the jungle gym with the big kids. |
Parker's first Easter basket! |
Watching the Ken-ducy Derby! |
There's that "toy" again! |
His second egg hunt - definitely knew what to do this time around! |
Parker loved this game at the arcade. |
After watching the big kids play, he knew what to do! |
We also celebrated his cousin Mckayla's 4th Birthday at a gymnastics place. He loves bouncing on the trampoline and we will be buying a mini tramp for the yard very soon!
Playing on the trampoline with cousin Mia. |