Loves riding on his car. Has perfect balance and would sit here for hours! |
Parker recently discovered he can reach the coffee table! |
Not only is he crawling & moving like crazy but he loves to stand. He is really developing his balance as he walks around the furniture, toys, cabinets-even the back of my legs!
All four top teeth came in at once. That was quite the miserable transition back to school-teething & refusing bottles. He now takes his milk from the sitter in sippy cups & the bottles are packed away. Growing too big too fast!
We also transitioned into a big boy carseat. He still has a few pounds before he out grows the infant seat. But being over 20 pounds made it very difficult for me to carry him in the infant seat. He's loving the bigger seat & kicks his legs as soon as he sits down. He looks up (with his mouth wide open!) for a kiss after I strap him in. He also knows when it's time to get out of the car by the sound of the seat belt & door opening-and laughs & giggles til I walk around & get him out of the car.