Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time Flies

Crazy to believe I am already 32 weeks along and this little guy will be here just after the holidays. The kids at school are so excited and constantly asking questions - are you having a baby? is it a boy or a girl? when will he be here? how do you know it's a boy? are those xrays of your baby? My fav - a little girl commented on the belt I was wearing and told me to be sure I wasn't squishing him!

We had another ultrasound at 28 weeks and all is well. He is still a boy (US tech confirmed those parts haven't changed!) and growing healthy, strong and big! He was estimated to be at 3 pounds, which is the 75th percentile and about 1-2 weeks ahead of the average pregnancy. We are wondering if he will come a week or two early and are planning work schedules around this!

Yep, pretty sure he is sucking his thumb!

His hands were by his face throughout the US

His profile, when he finally moved his hands out of the way

Still a boy!

We are getting the house ready to bring home the baby - and all the things he comes with! The nursery will be in the small room off of our bedroom - which is currently the home office. It's been quite the project, but his room is coming along.